Online Series I Bulletin Purchase Form

Select Series I Bulletins (Item # hisoseibudco, $5 Per Bulletin)

1. April 1937: Address delivered by Mr. S. F. Hurt before the first annual meeting of the Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia, briefly outlining the careers of 12 early leaders in Washington County.

2. April 1938: General Francis Preston - A Sketch, written by Elizabeth C. Preston Gray

3. Oct 1938: Battle of King's Mountain, South Carolina Memorial Addresses by General Francis Preston, 30th Anniversary and Lewis Preston Summers, 158th Anniversary

4. 1939: One Hundred Years of the History of Abingdon, Virginia, by L.P. Summers

5. 1940: Rev. Charles Cummings, Fort Kilmakronen, Black's Fort, by Mrs. James H. Mongle

6. 1941: Cultural Agencies of Southwest Virginia, by Dr. J.N. Hillman; The Loss of the State of Franklin to the Union, by Hon. E. Munsey Slack; Madame Russell, by Mrs. J. Stuart French

7. 1942: Early Methodism in Southwest Virginia, by Mrs. J.H. Mongle; The Declaration of Independence, by Howell M. Henry; Colonel John Tipton, by Samuel Evans Massengill

8. March 1943: Saltville, by Walter H. Robertson

9. April 1943: The Heart of the Holston Country, by L.P. Summers

10. July 1943: Fort Kilmakronen, by J. Cloyd Byars; Rush Creek Primitive Baptist Church of Christ, by Frank W. DeFriece

11. January 1944: Sullivan County, Blountville, Citizens, Homes, and Reminiscences, by Rhea Anderson

12. September 1945: History of Sullivan County, Tennessee, by Mrs. K.A. Grandstaff; Rev. Noah Calton Baldwin, by Miss Virginia Catherine Harwood

13. January 1946: Resolution Presented on the Life of Hon. Lewis Prston Summers, by Washington County Bar; History in the Making, by Hon. S. Bruce Jones; Portrait of my Grandfather--David Flournoy Bailey, by Virginia Byars Caldwell

14. September 1947: History of Johnston Memorial Hospital, by Mrs. R.T. Stephenson; Life Sketch of Dr. George Ben Johnston, by Dr. Beverly R. Tucker

15. November 1947: Some Famous Civilians of Southwestern Virginia; Old Virginia Newspapers, by T.W. Preston

16. December 1949: Historical Review of Emory and Henry College, by Dr. Foye G. Gibson, President; Emory and Henry's Contribution to the Development of Democracy, by Dr. Victor S. Armbrister, Dean

17. Oct-Nov 1950: Dr. Thomas Walker, Explorer, by Goodridge A. Wilson

18. May 1951: Stonewall Jackson College, by Mary Lynch Sanders Beamer



Since the Historical Society does not have a photographic quality printer, the bulletins will be delivered by email as attachments. If you need a printed copy, you will need to contact the Society to make a special request. Any such requests will be reviewed by Society Staff to determine if a printed copy of the requested image will be feasible and of high enough quality to be delivered.

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