Colonel Arthur Campbell, Frontier Leader and Patriot, by Robert L. Kincaid, 18pp; John Montgomery 1717-1802, his military and civil service in early counties of SW VA, by Agnes Graham Riley, 14pp. Item: 101
Price: $5
Bledsoe Family of Virginia and Tennessee, beginning with George Bledsoe; 1965-66 President's report, by John Blakemore, 20pp. Item: 102
Price: $5
Evolution of Land Ownership in SW VA; The Case of Tazewell Co., by J.A. Neal, 17 pp. Item: 103
Price: $5
The Lumber Industry in Southwest Virginia-developing timber lands, saw mills and lumber companies in Southwest Virginia, by Luther C. Hassinger, 16pp. Item: 104
Price: $5
Historical Houses of Washington County, Virginia, Illus., 47 pp. Item: 106
Price: $5
History of the 48th Virginia Infantry, VA Volunteer Army of Confederacy, Companies and officers, by James A. Casada, 48 pp; 1782 Tithables of Washington, Co., VA (cont'd), 42pp. Item: 107
Price: $5
Story of 'The Office', by Jane Douglas Summers Brown; Ebenezer Brooks-Forgotten Genius of the Holston Territory, by Gordon Aronhime; James Newell 1749-1823, by Agnes Sanders Riley; 1782 Tithables of Washington County, VA (cont'd), 48 pp. Item: 108
Price: $5
The Cosby Papers, contains map of lots in Abingdon ca. 1850 and tells who lived in the homes; 1782 Tithables of Washington County, VA (concluded ), 48 pp. Item: 109
Price: $5
Traditional Pottery in Washington Co., VA and Sullivan Co., TN, by Klell B. Napps; Joe Meeks-Washington County's Westerner, by Claude W. Nash; The Meeks and Their Neighbors, by Publication Committee; Geographical Sketch of the Meeks Neighborhood 1772-1839; Memorandum of the Meeks, from Bibles contributed by D.M. Epps; Meek Bible Records, collected by Margaret W. Huff; Jarrett Hill, Herb Doctor of Washington County, by Julia Hill Sales; General Daniel Smith - based on the journal of Gen. Smith (1779-1780); Vance Tavern, by Mary Dudley Porterfield; Black's Fort, Site of the First Court Held in Washington Co., VA, by C.McConnell, 55 pp. Item: 110
Price: $5
Michael Shaver, Silversmith, by Lillian S, Butt. Illus.; Washington Co. Grist Mills, by Bernard L. Herman, Illus., 63 pp. Item: 112
Price: $5
Fortieth Anniversary Issue: How the Society was organized; Judge Walter H. Robertson, by Margie Robertson; History of the Washington Ladle, by Mary Preston Gray; Physicians of the Holston in the 18th Century, by Gordon Aronhime; Men of the American Revolution Buried in Washington Co., 35 pp. Item: 113
Price: $5
Court Minutes 1777, Washington Co., VA (Cont'd in #15); Story of the Tiffany Glass Window; Story of the Confederate Monument, by Klell B, Napps, 38 pp. Item: 114
Price: $5
Hunting for His People - story of a black man returning to Va. after being sold south, by John Warfield Johnston; King and Lynn Inventory 1809; The Wilburn Waters Portrait by Lillian S. Butt; Court Minutes 1777 Washington Co., VA (Concluded), 58 pp. Item: 115
Price: $5
The 1772 Cummings Petition: Location of the homes of the signers petitioning Rev. Charles Cummings; King and Lynn Inventory (concluded); Three Memoirs by Sarah C. Brown, Rachel Ann Scott, and Alfred McThenia on history of SW VA, 63 pp. Item: 116
Price: $5
Slavery on Upper Holston; History of Courts of Washington Co., VA; The Jockey Lot, 30 pp. Item: 118
Price: $5
Thomas Mastin: Important Unknown of the Early Clinch River Settlement, by Gordon Aronhime; Extracts from the James T. Preston papers.. edit by George Stevenson; 105th Militia of Washington Co., VA 1861-1865, 31pp. Item: 119
Price: $5
Minutes of Abingdon Town Council 1778-1860; Public Roads of Washington Co, 34 pp. Item: 120
Price: $5
Guardian Bonds: 1780-1876, abstracted from Washington Co., VA Court Records and arranged in Chronological order, 105 pp. Item: 121
Price: $5
Brigadier General William Campbell 1745-1781, by Agnes Graham Riley, 32 pp. Item: 122
Price: $5
50th Anniversary of the Historical Society of Washington County, Virginia, by Lillian S. Butt; The Final Bivouac: Capt. Frank S. Robertson, son of Gov. Wyndham Robertson and last surviving member of Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's staff; Reminiscence of the Years 1861-1865; The Meadows, edited by L.C. Angle, Jr. and Edwin T. Hardison, 40 pp. Item: 123
Price: $5
Daniel Boone as a Virginian, by Walter H. Hendricks; An Economic Survey of Southwest Virginia During the Ante-Bellum Period, by Jack Garland, 15pp. Item: 124
Price: $5
The Washington County News: A Look at the Past, by Lowry Bowman; War Comes to the Highlands, by L.C. Angle,Jr., 29 pp. Item: 125
Price: $5
High on A Windy Hill, Index and Addendum, arranged alphabetically by surname, giving cemetery number, includes maps showing location by number of 333 Washington Co. Cemeteries included in High On A Windy Hill by Catherine McConnell. Compiled by Jack and Rubinette Niemann, 107 pp. Item: 126
Price: $5
Stephen Holston: Frontiersman, Adventurer, Revolutionary Soldier and Discoverer, by Douglas Summers Brown; Chancery Order Book A : 1831-1835, by Angela Hurt, 77 pp. Item: 127
Price: $5
Story of the Preston Mansion/Martha Washington College/Martha Washington Inn, by L.C. Angle, Jr., Illus., 42 pp. Item: 128
Price: $5
To the Halls of Montezuma: Samuel Vance Fulkerson's Journal Kept During Mexican War, edited by Dr. George Stevenson, 69 pp. Item: 129
Price: $5
The Civil War in Southwest Virginia, by Cathy Carlson Reynolds; 'The One Who Brought the Flag Home', David Lowery of Washington Co.,VA, by Winston B. Wine; Konnarock: The Anatomy of a Company Town - A Memoir, by Robert Foster; Confederate Monument Dedication June 3, 1909, Abingdon: Address by Judge John A. Buchanan, 43pp. Item: 130
Price: $5
The Story of the Abingdon Rotary Club, by G.C. Culberson; Saltville: Salt Capital of the Confederacy, by Michael Holmes; 'Tributes to Daniel Trigg and J. W. McBroom by Thomas W. Colley', transcribed and edited by Michael Holmes, 30 pp. Item: 131
Price: $5
John B. Floyd, edited by Dr. Edwin Hardison; Co. B 37th Virginia Volunteer Regiment, by Scott Arnold for Master's Thesis, Emory and Henry College; History of Green Spring Presbyterian Church, edited by Dr. Ed Hardison, 54 pp. Item: 132
Price: $5
Remembrances Part I and II, by Walter H. Hendricks; David Campbell, The Governor and The Man, by Hendrika Schuster; Wyndham Robertson, by Robyn Mundy; 100 Years of the History of Abingdon (reprint), by Lewis Preston Summers; Unveiling of the Marker on the Old Home of Gen. Francis Preston (now Martha Washington Inn), by L.P. Summers, 89 pp. Item: 133
Price: $5
Death of Eliza Dunn Jones, by James Buchanan Ballard; Shelby Campbell King's Mountain Controversy and Gubernatorial Campaign of 1812, by Agnes Graham Sanders Riley; Register of the Collonade Hotel, by Charles H. Carson; Adam Hayter and Susannah Darrock, Pioneers of Washington County, Virginia, by Paul C. Buchanan, 39 pp.Item: 134
Price: $5
When 'John the Baptist' Traveled Our Roads: A Tale of Virginia Intermont College, by Hendrika Schuster; Roosevelts in Southwest Virginia, Part I: Elliott Roosevelt: A Man in Mental Torment; Part 2: Corinne (Roosevelt) and Douglas Robinson, by Henrika Schuster; Sketch of the Life of Rev. Charles Cummings by Gov. David Campbell; Historical Calendar of Washington County, by Carl V. Eskridge; A Visit from Nellie Wisler: A Different Perspective on the Carroll County Courthouse Tragedy, by William G. Lord, 59 pp. Item: 135
Price: $5
Remembering Aunt Mabel, by Walter Hendricks; No Need for a Landfill, by Kathleen R. Taylor; Searching for Communities, Dying and Burial in 1800's, by David Farris, Sr; Bristol's Marrying Parson, by Bud Phillips; Letters from the Past, Don't Take Any Wooden Nickels, by Hendrika Schuster; Carrying the Mail on Horseback, by Dennis Graham, Washington Co.; VA Post Offices and Postmasters 1792-1992, extracted by J. and R. Niemann, 50 pp. Item: 136
Price: $5
Sacred Honor, by Rev. Frederick R. Trumbore; Beyond Admiration and Loyalty, by Hendrika Schuster; Examples of 18th Century Female Courage, by Hendrika Schuster; Letters of the Past, The Lives They Lived Together-Blacks and Whites at Montcalm 1827-1860, by Dr. Norma Mitchell; Generals' Memorial: Heros of Washington County, by L.C. Angle; Two Swords Which Inspired Two Boys, by Hendrika Schuster; John Hunt Morgan, by Roy L. Sturgill; More Obscure First Ladies, The Schools on William King Hill, by Betsy K. Owens and Betsy White; Historical Society REGISTRY Program by Ina Stephenson, 76 pp. Item: 137
Price: $5
Early Settlers of Washington Co., by Randall W. Smith; Early Abingdon Taverns, Inns, by Nanci King; Forgotten Population-Free Black Community in Washington County 1800-1850, by Dr. Michael J. Puglisi; Bear/Bare Tale About Wilburn Waters; Scalded to Death by the Steam, by Hendrika Schuster and Mike Pierry,Jr; Lou V.P. Crabtree, Virginia Laureate in Literature, interview by Judy K. Miller; Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Business Directory: Washington Co., VA 1888-1889, 79 pp. Item: 138
Price: $5
SW VA's Men of Iron in Revolutionary War, by Walter Hendricks; Old Powder Mill Dam of Washington Co., by Any Burks; Letters of the Past; Robert Edwin Miles of 21st VA Cavalry, by L.C. Angle, Jr; History of Abingdon Branch Line, by Mike Hicks; Medicine as Practiced in 20th Century, by Lewis F. Cosby, MD; Measure of a Peck; Excerpts of Minutes from Historical Society 1830-1990's, by Dr. Klell Napps, 83 pp. Item: 139
Price: $5
The Search for Frankie Newton, by Jennifer Wagner, 22 pp. Item: 239
Price: $5
Abingdon Train Station, by Klell Napps; The Horse Behind the Photograph, by Hendrika Schuster; Call to Duty-2nd Lt. Charles Dennis Smith of Damascus, VA, by Eleanor Grasselli; Mayhem Strikes Abingdon, by Robert Craig; Judgment at Dalton, by James B. Ballard; Boyhood Years in Abingdon 1920-1930, by Lewis F. Cosby, MD; The Great Pig War, by Lowry Bowman; Courthouse Hill-Site of Law and Order, by James Hagy; Trial of Jefferson Davis, by Hendrika Schuster; Family Files in Library as of Jan 9, 2003, 76 pp. Item: 140
Price: $5
Tales Told by Walls of House-Retirement, by Mary Landrum; Mayhem Strikes Abingdon-Rest of the Story, by Robert Craig; Reminiscent of Schoolmates at Abingdon Academy, by Mary H. Everett; Bonson Brand Apples, by David Bonham; Dressing Up Miss Mollie #433, by Charles Seaver; Trip to Island Road is Trip into Lore of the Past, by Gordon Aronhime; Bob Porterfield as I Remember Him, by Patricia Cosby; William Sievers Sought to put 'Soul' into Bronze, Hendrika Schuster; Posh Shop on Lot No 22, by Gordon Aronhime; A Singular One Room School-Duncansville School, by May Jo Craig and Hendrika Schuster, 61 pp. Item: 141
Price: $5
Surviving the London Blitz, by Peta Patton; Early Washington County Forts Providing Protection for New Settlers, by Joe Goodpasture; James Barrett and the 37th Virginia Infantry, by Dean Harry; Pioneer Women of Southwest VA, by Gail Marney; Life and Death of a Log House, by Faye Hortenstine; Call to Duty-Action at Rimling, Alsation Forest France, New Year's Eve, 1944, by Lowry Bowman; Bats in the Garrett, by Walter Hendricks; For The Love of 900 Year Old Beauties, by Mary Dudley Porterfield; Judges Washington Co, VA 1811 , and Washington Co, VA Members House of Representatives, 62 pp. Item: 142
Price: $5
Dalton, Georgia's Lonely Monument, by Lowry Bowman; Fathers and Sons at the Battle of King's Mountain, by J. David Dameron; The Virginia and Tennessee Railroad 1830's-1860's, by Josh Jones; The Mary Dalton Frye Private Secretarial School, by Carlotta Sanders Franklin; Lessons for Life, by Kitty Clark Baird; Blackboard Memories of a One-Room School, by Gladys Richardson Thompson; My Navy Years as a WAVE (1942-1947), by Virginia Tate Taggart; History of Penn-Stuart and Virginia House, by G.R.C. Stuart; Establishment of Methodism in SW Virginia, by Greg McMillan; An English War Bride Comes to America, by Mrs. Peta Patton, 71 pp. Item: 143
Price: $5
The Confederate Yankee, by Gene Matthis; Capt. Samuel Thompson Buchanan, CSA, by James Buchanan Ballard; Washington County's Confederate Generals, by Mike Shaffer; 37th Infantry Div of VA at Antietam, by Mark Hall; Edmondson Family at King's Mountain, by Howard V. Jones; William King and Ocean Crossings, by Mary B. Kegley; Tennessee Valley Authority and Its Impact, by L.C. Angle, Jr and Hendrika Schuster; Leonard Chester Angle, Jr., by Kitty Henninger; 1936 to 2006 (HSWC), by John H Roper; Riding on the Last Excursion of the Virginia Creeper, by Anna Elliott, 86 pp. Item: 144
Price: $5
My Years in the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp and Women's Army Corps in WW II, by Anna Rasey Elliott; The Mound at Sinking Spring Cemetery, by Gene Mathis; George Newton Wertz, Photographer, by Meade Campbell; A Late, Late Book Review - The Long Hunter, by Hendrika Schuster; Mary Craig Caldwell Rhea, by Eleanor Grasselli; Fairview, by W. Dale Carter and Wilma Smith; David Carson of Washington County, Va., by William Schrader; Riddle's Fort on Holston, by Wilma Smith; Appendix: Membership in Historical Society as of 11/30/2007, by Riley Clark, 56 pp. Item: 145
Price: $5
Bazel and Susannah Bryan Boren of Washington County, Virginia, by Kerry Ross Boren; Grave Marker in Sinking Spring Cemetery: Fields-Baldwin Plot Inscription, Ellen Stuart, Daughter of W. W. and M. A. Hicks, Born August 13, 1885-Died June 19, 1890, by Patricia Craig Johnson; Field Diary, Febraury 27 to December 25, 1913 of Mr. Robert P. Holdsworth, Forest Assistant, Abingdon, VA, condensed by Eleanor Grasselli; Abingdon Orders Quarrelsome Women Ducked, by Carl V. Eskridge; The Prayer of Blessing, Gathering of the Overmountain Men and Dedication of 'Retirement', Colonial Road, Abingdon, Virginia, Delivered September 22, 2007, by Robert N. Lominack, Jr.; The Hutton Brothers Go to War, by Mark F. Hall, 62 pp. Item: 146
Price: $5
The Antebellum Years of William E. 'Grumble' Jones, by James Buchanan Ballard; A Miraculous Trip into the Past, by Val Kendall; A Proclamation on the Occasion of the Annual Celebration of Veterans Day Specifically Recognizing the 'Overmountain Men', November 11, 2009, by Michael R. Worrell, Esq. and W. Garrett Jackson, delivered by French Moore, Jr., Vice-Mayor of Abingdon, VA, 54pp. Item: 147
Price: $5
Seventy-fifth Anniversary Edition, Roster of Presidents, 1936-2011; In Memoriam 2006-2011; James and Alice Hilton in Abingdon, by Robert Warren, Jr.; Uncle Sam Wants Who???, by Gale Dennison; A Proclamation on the Occasion of the Dedication of the W. Blair Keller Interpretation Center, by Garrett Jackson, delivered by Mayor Ed Morgan; What Do Johnny Appleseed, Arthur Campbell and Abingdon Have in Common?, by David Winship; Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War: Time Line of Some Events of 1861; The Civil War Years of William Edmondson 'Grumble' Jones, Part I, July, 1861 to April, 1862, by James Buchanan Ballard, 52pp. Item: 148
Price: $5
War of 1812: Time Line of 1811 and 1812, compilied by Eleanor Grasselli; A History of the Abingdon Society of the Church of New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian), by Garrett Jackson; Black's Fort Chapter, DAR, Remembering Our 90 Years, by Kitty McConnell Henninger; The Cohabitation List of Freed Slaves and Free Persons of Color in Washington County, VA, 1866, by James W. Hagy, PhD; Partial Cohabitation List, James W. Hagy, PhD; Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War-Time Line 1862, compiled by Mike Shaffer; The Civil War Years of William Edmondson 'Grumble' Jones, Part II, The Seventh Virginia Calvalry Regiment, July 20 to November 8, 1862, by James Buchanan Ballard, 52pp. Item: 149
Price: $5
War of 1812: Time Line of Some Events in 1813; The Family of Landon Boyd, by Eleanor Grasselli with data provided by Dale Elaine Douthit and Audrey Ola Jones; Wolf Hills and the Daniel Boone Myth, by James W. Hagy; Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War: Time Line of Some Events of 1863, compiled by Mike Shaffer; The Civil War Years of William Edmondson 'Grumble' Jones, Part III, October 31, 1862 to February 28, 1863, by James Buchanan Ballard. 52pp. Item: 150
Price: $5
Centennial of World War I and War of 1812: Time Line of 1814, compilied by Eleanor Grasselli; Letter from David Campbell to his brother Arthur Campbell, Jr., September 14, 1812; Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War: Time Line 1864, compiled by Mike Shaffer; The Civil War Years of William Edmondson 'Grumble' Jones, Part IV, West Virginia Raid, by James Buchanan Ballard, 55pp. Item: 151
Price: $5
In Search of Boren's Fort; Experiences of Ivan E. Kennedy of the 96th Company, 6th Regiment, US Marine Corps, 2nd Division, A.E.F. in France and Germany, 1918-1919; Centennial of World War I: Timeline 1915; Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the American Civil War: Time Line of Some Events of 1865; The Immortal 600; The Civil War Years of Brigadier General William Edmondson 'Grumble' Jones, Part V, Brandy Station; 32 pp. Item: 152
Price: $5
Eightieth Anniversary Edition - How the Society Was Organized Forty Years Ago; Presidents of the HSWCV; HSWCV Milestones; The White Top Folk Festival; Men from Washington County and the City of Bristol, Virginia Who Died as a Result of their Service in World War II; Moving the Washington County Confederate monument; The Name of Abingdon; Washington County, Virginia Licenses for Selling wine, Whiskey and Malt Liquors, 1865-1902; Back Cover: Gold Star Men; 48 pp. Item: 153
Price: $5
McCabe Lodge, Number 56, I.O.O.F. and the Founding of Martha Washington College, 1853-1858; The Photography of George Newton Wertz, 1852-1926; Confederate Civil War Pension Applications from Washington County, Virginia; 36 pp. Item: 154
Price: $5
James Wyatt and the Burning of Abingdon, 1864; Stonewall Jackson College (Reprint of May 1951 Article with Added Photographs); Benjamin Sharp's Account of Washington County during the Cherokee War, 1776; Wall Street Over the Years; A Unionist from Russell County Testifies before Congress, 1866; Item: 155
Price: $5
Shopping at H. P. King's; Clippings; Lynching in Southwest Virginia, 1883-1927; Cars of Washington County, Virginia; Item: 156
Price: $7
Washington County Communities from A to Z; The Murder Trials of Dr. John A. P. Baker, 1891-1892; The Murder Trials of Luther and James Canter, 1915-1918; Economic Prospects of Washington County in the Early 20th Century; 92 Pages, Item: 157
Price: $6
30th anniversary celebration of the battle of Kings Mountain-1810, Tragedy struck at night: the 1861 train crash that shook Abingdon, First African American voters in Washington County-1867, The political career of Lewis Preston Summers 1868-1943, An eyewitness account of murders at Emory and Henry Hospital, Last hangings in Washington County, Washington rifles of World War I, William King obituary, Item: 158
Price: $5
Abingdon Tragedy of 1888: Killing Lilburn H. Trigg, Four Score and Seven Years, The Forgotten Judge: Robert W. Hughes, Robert Morton Hughes and Stained Glass Windows at St. Thomas Church, Misbehaving at Martha Washington College, Washington County Soldiers: Last to Die in WWI and First to Die in WWII, The Origins of Russell County, Thanks to James W. Hagy, Past Bulletin Editor, Thanks to the Late Jane G. Oakes for Years of Service to the Society, Item: 159
Price: $5
Myths, Mistakes, and False Claims Regarding Some Historic Buildings in Abingdon, Virginia; Maimed Confederate Soldiers of Virginia, Their Struggle for Artificial Limbs and Disability Pensions: The Example of Matthew Floyd Duff; Samuel Stalnaker, William Byrd III, and Fort Attakullakulla; Faces of Washington County, Virginia; and The Abingdon Rotary Club at 100 Years. Item: 160
Price: $6